Does your child have big feelings?

Relish their spirit; Support their coping.

Some kids seem to be born with their emotional volume set on high. They react to things that other kids might take in stride, and their emotional responses tend to be more intense, more frequent, and longer lasting than we might expect.

When they’re happy, they light up a room! But when they’re angry, sad, or scared…watch out!

At one level, this is a gift: These deeply-feeling kids are experiencing life to the fullest! But at another level, it can be wearing on them and everyone around them. 

This workshop shows you how to help your child understand and manage negative feelings AND enjoy more positive feelings.

If you want to learn how YOU can coach your child to help them develop the skills they need to cope with their big feelings, get this course now.

If your child’s emotional reactions are creating conflict or tension in your family, sign up to learn how to give your child the guidance and support they need.

Learn positive and supportive ways to foster peace, understanding, and self-regulation.

What is Emotion Coaching?

Caring and realistic parenting tips you can use right away.

What You'll Learn

For your convenience, this workshop is divided into easy-to-manage sections (about 2- to 9-min. long). It's filled with useful ideas for helping your child that are realistic and don’t require you to be a perfect parent with nothing else going on in your life. You'll learn all of the topics below and so much more!

  • What to do when your child has an emotional melt-down

  • Ways to keep your cool when your child is losing it

  • Three unhelpful views about deeply-feeling kids (and what to know, instead)

  • The key response from parents that helps children understand and manage their feelings

  • Specific ways to help kids who are upset about a conflict with a friend

  • What you can do to make transitions easier for your child

  • How to support kids who say they’re not good enough

  • How to help your child build positive feelings


Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD

I'm an author, clinical psychologist, and mom of four, based in Princeton, NJ (lic. #35SI00425400). I write about parenting, mental health, and children's feelings and friendships. My recent books include: Moody Moody Cars (for ages 4-8), Growing Feelings (for ages 6-12), and Kid Confidence (for parents). I also host a podcast for children, called Kids Ask Dr. Friendtastic. Learn more: * Main website: * Podcast for kids: * Newsletter for parents:

What parents are saying about this webinar

T.M., mom of 4-year old

We have found Dr. Kennedy-Moore's fantastic resources and webinars to be invaluable in helping us navigate our child's challenges, as well as our own reactions and expectations. No one taught us "how to parent," and when we listen to Dr. Kennedy-Moore's reflections, we often find ways to be more in tune with our child's developmental stage and perspectives. We have had tremendous success with employing her methods and suggestions and look forward to continuing to learn from her.

Obviously, webinars from Open Door for Parents are NOT psychotherapy. They're for educational purposes only about important topics facing families. The ideas mentioned may or may not be relevant for your particular situation.

I trust you to use your judgment about what makes sense for your child and your family and to consult your physician or a mental health provider, if needed, about very serious or complicated situations.

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  • When Your Child Says, “Nobody Likes Me!”
  • When Your Child Cries Easily
  • When Your Child Gets Bullied

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