5 Friendship Skills Every Child Needs to Learn (Webinar)
Friendship expert, Dr. Eileen, delivers practical solutions and techniques to help children feel more comfortable and confident in social situations.
This course is filled with practical ideas you can use right away.
Easy ways your child can reach out to make friends
The common myth that gets in the way of children making friends
How to help your child avoid annoying other kids
Key questions to help your child make wise choices about friendship groups
Specific ways kids can say what they mean without being mean
How your child can learn to say no to unhealthy peer pressure
How to deal with teasing and bullying (and how to tell the difference)
Essential strategies for moving past unavoidable friendship rough spots
Obviously, Open Door for Parents is NOT psychotherapy. It's for educational purposes only about important topics facing families. The ideas mentioned by me or other community members may or may not be relevant for your particular situation.
I trust you to use your judgement about what makes sense for your child and your family and to consult your physician or a mental health provider, if needed, about very serious or complicated situations.
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